Marine Pile Construction
Australian Barge Hire’s jack up barges can be configured to work with piling contractors supplying a stable above water platform for holding piles for craning, attaching piling gates with the flexibility of being able to be moved and re-jacked at varying locations for pile installations.
Wharf and Jetty Maintenance
Australian Barge Hire has the capacity to provide barges for major wharf and jetty maintenance. We have supplied jack up barges for wharf remediation in Gove, the Lucinda Bulk Sugar Wharf as well as the Hay Point HPX3 wharf maintenance. In the west we have previously and are continuing to supply jack up barges for dolphin refurbishments in Cape Lambert.
Transport of Marine Infrastructure
Our fleet of jack up and modular barges provide a variety of options to carry and transport construction materials such as scaffolding, building components and piles for bridges and other overwater structures. The modular barge system is easily road transported to sites where traditional barges cannot access and can be configured to suit the project specific needs of the client. The modular jack up barge option is unique, offering a stable out of water platform and eliminating wave, tide or strong currents which can often be a concern onsite.
Bridge maintenance
Australian Barge Hire has extensive experience in supplying barge configurations to meet the requirements for repairing, maintaining, rehabilitation and historical restoration of bridges. Our barges provide a stable platform both alongside and under bridges that will support mobile cranes, scaffolding and EWP’s to enable our clients to carry out maintenance works and protective coatings. We have provided barges for Harwood Bridge Project, Morpeth Bridge, Tom Ugly’s Bridge, Hawkesbury River Bridge and Storey bridge being just a few over our 12 years of operation.
Dam and Weir work
When geotechnical drilling and construction work has been required for dams and weirs Australian Barge Hire has been able to supply efficient solutions for the parameters needed. Sea Lift 3 was deployed for soil surveysnd work vessels for construction on the Leslie Harrison Dam Upgrade.
Crew Transfers – Sea Transfer and Sea Ribs
Australian Barge Hire has a range of vessels dedicated to safe crew transfers to and from our barges. These commercial vessels can be hired singularly or packaged with a jack up or modular barge for a project solution and are supplied with experienced licensed operators. ABH prides themselves on safety, service, a strong work ethic and reliable well serviced equipment to support our clients.
Workboats – Punts and Sea Rescue
A fleet of safe operational workboats are available to work in varying capacities in the marine construction industry. All work boats are commercially registered and supplied with experienced licensed operators. Our workboats are often used as safety boats during overwater bridge maintenance and for transport of scaffold, waste, fuel and other materials and equipment to the in water work front. ABH prides themselves on safety, service, a strong work ethic and reliable well serviced equipment to support our clients.